Centre d'innovation pour les technologies quantiques

Créer le futur qui nous ressemble

Naquidis Center

Un outil au service de la Recherche et de l’Industrie

Nos missions

• Co-construire et apporter un soutien financier aux projets innovants, à forte valeur ajoutée pour la Nouvelle-Aquitaine, dans le domaine des technologies quantiques.
• Former une work-force dédiée aux technologies quantiques et recruter les meilleurs talents.


A vos côtés, chercheurs, nous vous soutenons pour continuer à explorer des idées novatrices, et imaginer des concepts innovants. Ainsi nous vous dégageons du temps, et donnons de l’ambition à vos projets. 


Vient le temps du prototypage, qu’il soit industriel ou en laboratoire, une étape clé où l’on transforme des idées en solutions concrètes, des concepts en solutions tangibles. Nous serons encore à vos côtés pour cette étape nécessitant des compétences multisectoriels et des financements “risqués”.


Acteurs industriels ou porteurs de projets de création d’entreprises, les défis inhérents à l'implémentation des solutions dans des contextes pratiques revêtent une dimension particulière sur le marché des technologies quantiques. Un soutien accru durant cette phase finale demeure essentiel pour concrétiser les investissements préalables.

Vous souhaitez prendre part à l'aventure ?

Les fonctionnalités de la plateforme sont ouvertes à toutes les organisations ou personnes intéressées par l'exploration du potentiel des technologies quantiques en lien avec les trois axes thématiques définis par notre Scientific Advisory Board. Les informations collectées sont soumises à un accord de confidentialité.

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Notre roadmap

Quantum Supply chain

The practical realization of Quantum Technology concepts has led to an explosion of new frontiers in R&D. Many different areas of current Quantum Technologies related hot topics (Quantum Computing, Quantum sensing, Quantum communications) share a common technology ground such as atom laser cooling and manipulation, advanced fiber optics and stabilization techniques, as well as ultrafast electronics or advanced detection systems for instance.It requires the implementation of an aggressive R&D roadmap irrigating each step of the value chain. In photonics, it will extend from the Quantum Photonic Component (QPC) and sub-systems, toward complete Quantum Photonics Systems (QPS), tailored and fully optimized (wavelength, optical power, phase, noise stability, etc…) to perfectly match a specific Quantum application. 1) Quantum Photonics Components, with Hollow-Cor Photonics Crystal Fiber, Gas Nano-Void Photonic integrated Chip, Rare earth doped amplifying fibers, Fibered and integrated components, Electro-Optic Modulator for quantum application 2) Photonics Sub Systems with Low Noise Single Frequency Lasers, High Power low Noise Lasers & Amplifiers sub-systems, Frequency reference sub-systems, Low-noise electronics 3) Quantum Photonics Systems.

Quantum Sensing

Several technological and usability breakthroughs can be demonstrated thanks to Naquidis activities. A non-exhaustive list includes 1) Advanced quantum protocols for improving sensor performance: optimal control, entanglement, and non-destructive detection, which represent key steps studied in laboratories with potential transfers to industrial partners 2) Demonstration of the possibility of using atomic accelerometers in a "strapdown" configuration for onboard sensors: this would lead to a significant reduction in the complexity of using this type of sensor and its size. These methods can be developed jointly between academic laboratories and industry, and could also be used for onboard gradiometers or gravimeters 3) The demonstration of performance on a site of interest for future commercial gradiometers: these new signals will lead to a complete change of approach to topics in geoscience, civil engineering and resource monitoring 4) Proof-of-principle demonstration of a small fiber-linked quantum sensor array. This would involve mostly existing cold-atom devices from iXblue and LP2N 5) Proof-of-principle of Hollow-Core Photonics Crystal Fiber (HCPCF) sensors for magnetic field monitoring and application to MEG.

Quantum Communication and Information

Computer scientists and mathematicians of the University of Bordeaux and the University of Limoges have a long tradition of research at the forefront of the fields of Combinatorics and Graph Theory. Perspectives of NAQUIDIS' s activities are 1) Post-quantum Standardization: Ddeveloping new standards for post-quantum cryptography is of first importance for industry and the global security of communication. 2 proposals by researchers of NAR are still in the NIST standardization process and should advance to the fourth round; 2) Post-quantum cryptography for embedded devices with new efficient systems for code-based cryptography and in particular systems based on rank metric, these systems are especially interesting for their small key sizes; 3) Quantum algorithms and Decoding algorithms for quantum error-correcting codes; 4) Development of a Quantum information task force.

Nos dernières actualités