At TNO and PTB’s side for the FPA “open testing, and pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies”

The Naquidis Center participated in the Matchmaking Partners Day for the FPA “open testing, and pilot production capabilities for quantum technologies” on October 25. Philippe Bouyer gave a 10-minute pitch in which he presented Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s quantum ecosystem to more than a hundred European participants, along with the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO, located in The Hague, Netherlands) and the National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB, located in Braunschweig, Germany). This call was published on 2 November and its goals are:

  • To create long-term open, supportive and sustainable experimental and testing infrastructures in Europe that are openly accessible by European academia and industry; and
  • To develop and provide access to first European fabrication (production) capabilities for quantum technology, building on and linking together existing infrastructures.

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