The France Quantum Plan in the territories

Since the start of the school year, the French quantum ecosystem has been organizing meetings around the Quantum France plan and its implementation in the territories closest to laboratories and companies. On October 14, the MINALOGIC competitiveness cluster organized a day in Grenoble entitled Quantum Computing: What challenges and opportunities for the industrial ecosystem. Philippe Bouyer speaking on the round table “quantum plans in territories and opportunities for collaboration between Regions” presented the NAQUIDIS Center initiative for New Aquitaine alongside Alexia Auffèves, CNRS Research Director — Néel Institute — Grenoble, Eleni Diamanti, Eleni Diamanti, CNRS Research Director — LIP6, Sorbonne University and Isabelle Robert-Philip, CNRS Research Director — Charles Coulomb Laboratory — Grenoble, Eleni Diamanti, CNRS Research Director — LIP6, Sorbonne University and co-director of the Occitan Quantum Institute.

A new meeting is scheduled for December 10 at the IOA (Talence).

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