Muquans and Naquidis in the spotlight in Echos Judiciares Girondins’ 17 September 2021 issue

‘Three physicists with great industrial ambitions founded Gironde-based company Muquans, which has since become number one in quantum sensors in France. Ten years later, it made a huge change by joining forces with iXblue, a company that aims to become the European leader in photonics and quantum technology. Philippe Bouyer, Director of Research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and co-founder of Muquans, looks back at this revolutionary company’s history.’ […]

[…] ‘Also driven by a “real desire to come and set up in Nouvelle-Aquitaine”, iXblue thus acquired Muquans in June 2021. This was a way for the Gironde-based company to rapidly ramp up its operations and boost its turnover, which had topped out at around 3 million euros, as it was “limited by its size”, says Philippe Bouyer. “Joining a well-established company like iXblue”, which has over 700 employees worldwide and has also recently acquired Pessac-based photonics specialist Kylia, “will give us access to a global sales distribution network and an integrated customer base. And allow us to integrate vertically, which are two important aspects to increasing our production capabilities and growth”, says Muquans’ co-founder and chief scientific advisor.’

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