Qu-Test: The Quantum sensing test-bed to benchmark industrial products

March 2023, NAQUIDIS (Institut d’Optique and LP2N) is very proud to have been selected to be the expert on quantum sensing with cold atoms, thanks to the Horizon Europe program.

ETA: March 2027

Qu-Test is a partnership of European testbeds for quantum technology, which is composed of distributed infrastructures with globally unique equipment and competencies across Europe. The goal of the partnership is to provide European industry with the necessary support in terms of infrastructure and know-how to move faster to the market and create a robust supply chain for the quantum technology market. The partnership is aligned along three testbeds: quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum sensing. In more detail, the Quantum Computing Testbed will measure, characterise and validate cryogenic quantum devices, cryogenic qubits such as superconducting and semiconducting qubits, photonics qubits and ion traps provided by European industry, with an increasing service maturity and targeting larger quantum processors during the course of the FPA. The Quantum Communication Testbed will characterise devices for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) and provide design and prototyping services to support innovation in the supply chain of quantum communication technologies. Finally, the Quantum Sensing Testbed will benchmark sensing and metrology instruments provided by industry and use a large suite of quantum sensors (clocks, gravimeters, magnetometers, imagers) to validate industrial use cases aiming at generating new business cases for quantum sensing and metrology devices. The three testbeds will be coordinated by a Single Entry Point (SEP) that will receive the requests of industry and direct them efficiently to the right testbed infrastructure. With additional services of IPR support, business coaching and innovation management, Qu-Test supports the European quantum industry with a holistic one-stop-shop to move the full ecosystem forward.

Some positions are available, do not hesitate to contact us!

More information here.

Partners: AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology), AMIRES, CEA, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, IMEC, INRIM (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica), LNE, Observatoire de Paris, PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), Sonnenberg Harrison Partnerschaft mbB, VTT.

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